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New Distributed Publisher: Slanted 12 April 2023
Slanted 41 - Amsterdam

Isbn 9783948440473
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code 23253
€ 21.00

Color and form play an important role in Amsterdam’s design, which is egalitarian and serves the masses. Design is ubiquitous in Amsterdam, from the bike path to the police cars and even the city crest. The maze of canals and the upcoming neighborhoods are characterized by muted tones, dominated by black cobblestones, and dark brick. Behind the facades it rattles. The Dutch have always let it rip. The orange is more intense, the red more luminous, the black more brutal. Design is radical, it crashes, it vibrates. In its 41st issue, Slanted gathers a selection of Amsterdam’s most brilliant minds and provides deep insights into their work and values in the magazine and in the numerous video interviews. Illustrations, interviews, essays, and an extensive appendix with many useful tips and an overview with the best Dutch writings complete the issue thematically. Featuring Irma Boom, De Designpolitie, Novo Typo, fw:books, Hansje van Halem, Athenaeum Boekhandel and Karel Martens among many others.

224 p, ills colour & bw, 16 x 24 cm, pb, English

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Isbn 9783948440466
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code 23184
€ 38.00

COLLISION by Lars Harmsen is the collision of intuition and the human experience. A visual journey of photographs, design, and ideas. With this publication, the author mercilessly settles accounts with the last 10 years of his creative work. Numerous pieces and creations, from Slanted, PosterRex and 100for10 to freelance works and other projects have been destroyed, cut up and reassembled. A maximum of carnage. With a minimum of diplomacy.

320 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 29 cm, pb, English

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Posters Can Help

Isbn 9783948440435
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code 23183
€ 30.00

Global dramas can lead us to question our own credibility and the significance of our own lives and/or actions. Recent events in Ukraine have led the Slanted team to ask “What is our work really for?” Can we accelerate the transition to a sustainable, fair, and just society through the power of design? With a global call, Slanted invited the design community to contribute with a piece of work and a donation. More than 400 people from all over the world participated in this project, with almost 700 posters submitted.

256 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English

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What Should I Say—About Seoul

Isbn 9783948440459
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code 23182
€ 19.00

‘What Should I Say – About Seoul’ takes the reader on a path less travelled: the work and daily life of Korean designers. The book offers a glimpse into South Korean society that is not so common after all. Some of the insights into the Seoul work experience appear grim at places, coloured by the ongoing pandemic that forced people to cut down on social interactions. The experiences of Korean-German designers are also included. As a result, one can see that there is really no reason to think of Germany as a country that “has it all figured out”.

192 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 28 cm, pb, English

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Yearbook of Type #6 2022/23 – Movie Edition

Isbn 9783948440411
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code 23265
€ 19.00

The »Yearbook of Type« is a collection of the latest published typefaces that helps you find the one—from a browse through the book, or quick look in the index that neatly sorts typefaces by class, designers, and foundries. Each font and font family is presented on a double page. On the left page, the font is applied; inspired by this year’s theme of film and drama. To the right, the typeface is described in detail; with all its features, as well as information about the designers and foundries. A complementary online microsite features all fonts with direct links to respective foundries and purchasing options.

504 p, ills colour & bw, 16 x 24 cm, pb, English

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The Nest - The CalArts Poster Archive Print

Isbn 9783948440114
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code
€ 45.00

The Nest is a book about process—the process of designing, and how it changes both what we make and who we are. It is also a book about memory, how memory builds up in layers and influences our experiences, as well as the things we make. The focus of the book is a series of posters created in celebration of the exhibition Inside Out & Upside Down: Posters from CalArts 1970–2019. The book documents Scott Massey’s use of appropriation, collage, layering and re-working to generate 200 unique and vibrant compositions that each tell a different story about creative discovery. Using elements that represent the history and range of the storied CalArts poster archive, this project is an exploration of aesthetic strategies brought to life by blending both digital and analog processes. Layer by layer, step by step, the author closely examines each phase of designing those 200 posters. It is a celebration of process and a deep dive into the ever-evolving design values that guide one along the creative process. The Nest is full of personal narratives, conversations about process, the always difficult journey of making, and how memories can guide and inspire.

272 p, ills colour & bw, 22 x 29 cm, hb, English

100 Poster Battle 2 — Sharing Cultural Identities

Isbn 9783948440398
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code 23247
€ 19.00

“Poster Battle” is an experimental, bilingual poster design project supervised by Lars Harmsen and Markus Lange that brings together students from different universities to design posters. In the first round, basic black-and-white motifs were created, consisting of typography/text, image/illustration/photo, or background.

272 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English

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American Bauhaus

Isbn 9783948440381
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code 23181
€ 19.00

In 1992 Erik Schmitt attended the reunion of Black Mountain College in San Francisco. The school is credited with shaping some of the greatest artists in American history: Willem de Kooning, John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Buckminster Fuller, Franz Kline, and Robert Rauschenberg among them. Schmitt was invited because his two aunts and their family friend Ruth Asawa attended BMC. He took extensive notes that day and took photographs at the cocktail party after the event at Ruth Asawa’s home. Those quotes and photographs are the foundation of the book American Bauhaus. American Bauhaus creates a space for the history of Black Mountain College, which provided a new creative home for many World War II refugees in Europe from 1933 to 1957 and allowed the Bauhaus to live on in the United States. A unique place of freedom and creativity that became home to some of the most important artists of the 20th century.

112 p, ills bw, 18 x 25 cm, pb,

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Nigel Cottier - Letterform Variations

Isbn 9783948440350
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code
€ 35.00

Letterform Variations is the product of Nigel Cottier’s methodology for developing letterforms that are based partly on visual transformations generated by algorithmic functions, such as constraints, rules, grids, and modules, and partly on designerly judgements about composition, balance and visual dynamics. Cottier’s modular systems are built within expansive design spaces that facilitate the production of an almost infinite range of outputs, but what distinguishes them is the considered choices he makes subsequently, categorizing, and editing his results as competent and handsome representations of alphabetic forms. Letterform Variations is a playful study into letterform construction using basic grid and shape based systems, and its potential to generate vast amounts of varying alphabetical outcomes.

692 p, ills bw, 15 x 20 cm, pb, English

Flexible Visual Systems (4th ed)

Isbn 9783948440305
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code 23246
€ 48.00

Flexible Visual Systems is the design manual for contemporary visual identities. It teaches you a variety of approaches on how to design flexible systems, adjustable to any aesthetic or project in need of an identifiable visual language. The book is divided into three parts. The first part is a richly illustrated theoretic introduction explaining the past, present and future of flexible systems. The second part is a hands-on, almost purely visual, description of how to design flexible systems on form, starting with a circle, triangle, square, pentagon and hexagon. The third part explains how transformation processes can become flexible systems for visual identities. To learn how to design flexible systems is not just learning another craft, it is going to change the way you think and work entirely. It is an approach on how to design.

320 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 25 cm, pb, English

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Shape Grammars

Isbn 9783948440091
Publisher Slanted Publishers
Idea code
€ 45.00

Based on the work of Sol LeWitt, graphic designer Jannis Maroscheck has designed and programmed his own production systems that can draw an unlimited number of individual graphic shapes. The result is a systematic catalogue —a kind of dictionary of shapes—for browsing and exploring geometric systems, in which one can always discover something new. Shape Grammars is intended as a handbook for graphic designers for the design of fonts, logos and pictograms, which, in addition to 150,000 generated shapes, shows some potentials and limitations of generative design. At the same time, the work serves as a basis for further research on more complex systems and artificial intelligence. The computer can thus already function as a dialogue partner in the creative process.

836 p, ills bw, 18 x 23 cm, pb, English

Nieuwe Hemweg 14E
1013 BG Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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