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New Titles in Photography 7 March 2024
Anna Püschel – Encyclopedia of the Uncertain

Isbn 9789083357126
Publisher The Eriskay Connection
Idea code 24120
€ 42.00

Fascinated by awareness and ignorance, visual artist Anna Püschel began collecting definitions of words related to knowledge from a broad range of sources, from medieval texts to modern dictionaries. While some are objectively true and others are questionable, she nevertheless gathered the various definitions in this volume, a work that redefines referencing while juxtaposing French poetry with conspiracy theories, political essays, and recipes. Regardless of their origin, the definitions imply that we are always yearning for the truth. As individuals in uncertain times, we must acknowledge what we do not know and listen to nuance, for there is beauty in uncertainty.

768 p, ills bw, 12 x 17 cm, hb, English

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Arnout De Cleene – Michiel De Cleene: Amidst the fire, I am not burnt Surface Reading

Isbn 9789464460520
Publisher Roma Publications
Idea code 24106
€ 35.00

‘Amidst the fire, I am not burnt’ is a documentary approach to the iconic landscape shaped by Vesuvius. It investigates the different temporalities, scientific and popular perceptions, historic and present-day photographic representations, and stories inscribed in this cyclical landscape. The book interweaves documentary writing and photography in a varied constellation of subjects and experiences, from derelict quarries, archaeological sites, and souvenirs, to a parking lot, bonfires, and lovers parked along the road at night. As each eruption of the volcano adds a layer on top of the last, Vesuvius continues to sense, store, destroy, shape, and transmit information.

162 p, ills colour, 24 x 31 cm, pb, English

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Vari Caramés – Bosque animado

Isbn 9788412426045
Publisher Fabulatorio
Idea code 24053
€ 25.55

‘Bosque animado’ follows photographer Vari Caramés as he wanders through the Fraga de Cecebre in A Coruña, Spain, where Galician journalist and novelist Wenceslao Fernández Flórez (1885–1964) found the inspiration for his book ‘El Bosque Animado’ (The Enchanted Forest). The walk is intended to be a memorial and homage to those moments when light and dreams surround us and whisper in our ear, like the trees in the novel. The dustjacket image is supplied by artist Ángeles Sales and is from her series “Bosque”, in which she took rubbings of trees with her hands, transferring the imprint of their bark onto paper, then bringing them to life with watercolours.

32 p, ills colour, 22 x 30 cm, pb, Galician/English

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Daido Moriyama - Memories of Light

Isbn 9784763023100
Publisher Kyuryudo
Idea code 23699
€ 36.80

‘Memories of Light’ is published on the occasion of a large-scale retrospective exhibition featuring Daido Moriyama at the Shimane Museum of Art. Starting with “Japan, A Photo Theater”, the catalogue orders Moriyama’s photographic work chronologically, embedding it within the artist’s biographical background. Filled with famous and lesser-known photographs, the book traces the career of the exceptional Japanese photographer and explores the connections between Moriyama’s life and the works he produced. The book also includes personal photographs from Moriyama’s family album as well as a statement by the artist and an illuminating essay by curator Noriko Tsutatani.

336 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 30 cm, pb, Japanese/English

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In Pieces

Isbn 9789083363509
Publisher Growing Pains
Idea code 23794
€ 45.00

‘In Pieces’ is a collection of works by five artists affected by the war in Ukraine. These works speak to the multiplicities and contradictions of living in a shattered present. Sophia Bulgakova, Lia Dostlieva, Ola Lanko, Katia Motyleva, and Kateryna Snizhko are makers of Ukrainian origin who live and work in the Netherlands. Each artist developed new work specifically for this book. Their projects were created with a child in mind; some directly address younger audiences or are inspired by children, others draw on the artist’s own experiences. The result is a fragmentary and incomplete mosaic that can offer a deeper understanding of the war, beyond the headlines and media images.

160 p, ills colour & bw, 25 x 35 cm, Hard cover with 5 artist booklets, Dutch/Ukrainian/English

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The Imaginary Friend

Isbn 9789069060552
Publisher De Hef
Idea code 24116
€ 49.90

‘The Imaginary Friend’ depicts a dream of a young woman who commutes every morning by train across the Maas bridges on the Dordrecht-Rotterdam route. She passes an abandoned bridge keeper’s tower and imagines a friend lives there. She decides to bring him to life. With the help of sculptor Stuart Smith of Madame Tussauds, an enigmatic figure takes shape. Because train passengers have mere seconds in passing to notice this inhabitant of the tower, their perception is fragmented and they never know exactly what they have seen. An image emerges of an eccentric hermit in a “folly” who briefly shakes travellers awake from their lethargy and stimulates the surreal life. Photographer and writer Pieter van Oudheusden (1957-2013) recorded the appearance and disappearance of this enigmatic resident of the Wijnhaven Tower in hundreds of Polaroids.

138 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 29 cm, hb, Dutch/English

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Dana Darvish - Study for Woman

Isbn 9781988689128
Publisher Sternthal Books
Idea code 24037
€ 50.00

Since 2014, Dana Darvish has created montage works compiled into a series titled “The Destruction of All Art”. She cut out canonical images from the history of photography and art history, then mixed and grafted them onto images from a variety of content domains, retaining the title of one of the appropriated artworks and, on occasion, including the caption of the original from which the image was taken. The titles captured in the montages are subverted to the point of actual destruction of the art and a negation of the meanings instilled by their original creators. The works from this series are juxtaposed in this book with photographs and other collages by Darvish.

210 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 27 cm, hb, English/Hebrew

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Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen - Self Reflection

Isbn 9788797352687
Publisher Disko Bay
Idea code 24124
€ 40.00

The acclaimed Danish photographer Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen’s first monograph 'Self Reflection' blurs the line between photography and painting, reality and fantasy in an exploration of the human body and the subconscious self. By using mirrors, reflections and illusions Ebbesen examines how the human body and mind can be visualized and interpreted by the viewer. The distorted materials, used throughout the book, blur the lines between photography and painting, providing a symbolic boundary between reality and imagination. By placing nature, the nude body, fruits and flowers in a surreal context, Ebbesen creates a clash between the familiar and the odd.

188 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 30 cm, pb, English

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Voices - Ghana's Artists in Their Own Words

Isbn 9781915348012
Publisher Twentyfour Thirtysix
Idea code 24130
€ 58.50

Twentyfour Thirtysix have teamed up with Accra-based MANJU JOURNAL for a new artisticanthology - a book that celebrates Ghanaian visual artists, their creative excellence and thecountry's arts community. Africa's status in the contemporary art world cannot be ignored and the new vanguard of Ghanaian visual artists are emblematic of this influential cultural movement. Increasingly confident of their place in the world as their art moves from being othered to being the new mainstream, these artists tell of their creative journeys and successes. Instead of being another outsider viewpoint of African art, our book has been created to be a first-person document of the current art scene in Ghana as told by those within the community.

206 p, ills colour, 20 x 28 cm, hb, English

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Kei Sugiyama – Tsukijiko | Notes and Considerations on Tokyo's Tsukiji Market

Isbn 9784863588950
Publisher Kenchiku Shiryo Kenkyusha
Idea code 24091
€ 66.25

Tsukiji Market in Tokyo is among the largest wholesale fish and seafood markets in the world, but it has changed over the years. Once a place where men and women of all ages could work in different roles, it had elements that comprised a small town, where people were motivated by social obligations and adapted easily. Architect and designer Kei Sugiyama’s visual document focuses on the market’s rapid development and its components. He examines this area of the city, tracing the shift from rational modern architecture to picturesque nostalgia. Undoubtedly, he feels, the kind of “humanistic community” that once existed there will be needed again in the future.

344 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 23 cm, pb, Japanese/English

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Castro Prieto – Sucedió entre dos párpados

Isbn 9788409570485
Publisher Ediciones Anómalas
Idea code 24060
€ 30.65

As the title indicates, this book is positioned in a liminal space (“It happened between two eyelids”). According to the text by Antonio Ansón, the eyelids serve to close the eyes, and what photographer Juan Manuel Castro Prieto does is close the eyes in order to see. Because the gaze is not a physiological function but a cultural one. We do not see with our eyes; rather, we construct reality, because the world is nothing more than an interpretation. To see this place you do not need eyesight; you need vision. Located on this side of the eyelids, Castro Prieto offers his particular vision of things. Published to accompany an exhibition at the Huete Photography Museum in central Spain.

80 p, ills colour, 15 x 23 cm, hb, Spanish/English

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Sergio Castañeira – Limbo

Isbn 9788409567225
Publisher Ediciones Anómalas
Idea code 24059
€ 35.75

On 15 August 2014, Sergio Castañeira suffered an accident that caused a spinal injury, leaving him quadriplegic. After spending a year in hospital, he entered a recovery centre for the physically and psychologically handicapped in San Fernando in southern Spain. He remained there from November 2015 until March 2020. During this period, he went back to taking photographs using his mobile phone, after more than a year without being able to do so. It was a re-encounter with photography and, at the same time, a therapy that was a part of the process of adapting to his new life. Like a diary, the images and reflections that appear in this book bear witness to his sojourn there.

80 p, ills bw, 21 x 28 cm, hb, Spanish/English

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Hato Zines 42 Visible Vehicle Repairs by Daniel Eatock

Publisher Hato Press
Idea code 24041
€ 11.25

For many years, Daniel Eatock has travelled through his day-to-day life documenting vehicles which proudly bear evidence of the repairs they have been subject to. Damaged parts are switched for replacements from donor vehicles; their difference in colour an homage to the fix itself. This new iteration in the series, entitled Visible Vehicle Repairs, presents a collection of cars, vans and other automobiles featuring donor parts. Daniel Eatock is a London-based artist whose rigorous, idea-led practice is rooted in an ongoing exploration of the world around him. He approaches the everyday with wit and wonder, answering questions he asks himself through drawing, painting, sculpture, installation and many other media.

16 p, ills colour & bw, 14 x 21 cm, pb, English

Sara Arzu Hardegger, Vanja Ivana Jelić – Gehege

Isbn 9783945900895
Publisher Edition Taube
Idea code 24049
€ 26.55

The artists’ book ‘Gehege’ (Enclosure) contains photographs from the library of the Zurich Zoo. The selection shows zoo enclosures found in various Western metropolises such as London, Paris, Berlin, and Madrid since 1945. The pictures were taken by staff of the Zurich Zoo, who for research purposes travelled to other cities to document and understand the architecture of displaying animals kept in captivity. The enclosures are all photographed in such a way that the animals themselves seem to have vanished entirely. Swiss writer Michelle Steinbeck contributes an imaginative piece to the book, titled “The Zoo of the Future”.

132 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 30 cm, pb, German/English

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Kudzu - Sabine Bungert, Stefan Dolfen

Isbn 9781908889751
Publisher The Velvet Cell
Idea code 24040
€ 30.00

Kudzu, a highly destructive plant first imported into the US from Asia, has become known as “The vine that ate the south”. During the Great Depression, farmers were paid to plant it as it was seen as a good way to combat soil erosion. However, Kudzu can grow over 30cm a day and, as such, today it represents a huge problem for the southern states, even entering the lexicon as a synonym for ‘something that comes in and rapidly takes over everything’. Since 2010 Sabine Bungert and Stefan Dolfen have been working on long term projects together. They are interested in the development of cities and landscapes due to social changes. They are focused on public places, looking for signs of sociocultural aspects of humans, which are expressed in the environment. They both studied photography and editorial design at University Essen (Folkwang), Germany.

80 p, ills colour & bw, 19 x 28 cm, hb, English

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Ad van Denderen – En Route

Isbn 9789462264977
Publisher Lecturis
Idea code 24004
€ 45.00

The seventh volume in a series published by the Nederlands Fotomuseum in collaboration with Lecturis focuses on Dutch documentary photographer Ad van Denderen. It coincides with a retrospective exhibition of his oeuvre, which is primarily focused on apartheid, migration, and geopolitical conflicts. His work, which was initially narrative and later more conceptual and innovative, is marked by his complete immersion in his subject matter. His travels brought him to South Africa, Israel, Palestine, and more. In addition to an extensive collection of photographs, the book contains texts by curator Jenny Smets, Birgit Donker, Bianca Stigter, Frits Gierstberg, and Van Denderen himself.

314 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 29 cm, hb, English

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Valerie Phillips - Hello Phoebe

Publisher Kosmostars Ltd
Idea code 23739
€ 14.50

I met Phoebe in January 2022. She contacted me on Instagram. She was seventeen. A singer/songwriter and school kid from the suburbs. We spent 9 months taking pictures before she headed to University. The zine is shot on Hello Kitty Fujifilm Instax bought with all my remaining yen coins at a souvenir shop at Haneda Airport the last time I was in Japan.

40 p, ills colour, 15 x 21 cm, pb, English

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Hoshino Ai – Soviet Transport

Isbn 9784903883670
Publisher Tokyo Kirara
Idea code 24061
€ 19.30

From Lithuania, Ukraine, and Georgia to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, photographer Ai Hoshino journeys throughout the former Soviet sphere of influence in northern Eurasia in her quest to document the bygone relics of a vast socialist state. This collection of photographs focuses on abandoned vehicles and other modes of transport that still remain in the former countries of the Soviet Union. These include cable cars, Ferris wheels, automobiles, railroads, airplanes, ships, tanks, trucks, and more. Although they will disappear into oblivion in the not too distant future, Hoshino captures these silent but eloquent inorganics in their final resting places.

120 p, ills colour, 21 x 15 cm, pb, Japanese/English

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Hoshino Ai – Soviet Architectural Design

Isbn 9784903883717
Publisher Tokyo Kirara
Idea code 24062
€ 19.30

Soviet architectural design often evokes images of brutalism, Stalinist style, and austere, straight-lined concrete blocks. However, objects such as the thousands of derelict bus stops scattered throughout the former Eastern Bloc and Central Asia seem to have a different aesthetic that surpasses the scope of these preconceptions. Rather than being mass-produced, many of them were created by local architects, students, or artists, and still retain a quiet charm today. Whether distinctively shaped, decorated with beautiful mosaics, or painted in once-bright colours, these bus stops that time forgot are lovingly documented by photographer Ai Hoshino.

120 p, ills colour, 21 x 15 cm, pb, Japanese/English

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Yoshiyuki Okuyama – Flowers

Isbn 9784865411348
Publisher Akaaka
Idea code 24107
€ 44.90

Yoshiyuki Okuyama photographed this series in the house of his late grandmother, which he uses as a studio space. Making a clear visual departure from his usual pictorial subjects, people, Okuyama deftly enters into a nostalgic dialogue with his late grandmother by photographing flowers, plants, and trees illuminated by the sunlight. ‘Flowers’ is a mixture of his perspective of his grandmother through flowers as well as her perspective before and after her death, which Okuyama had already been photographing. The book includes an interview with the photographer in which he offers insight into his impetus and approach regarding this emotional series.

152 p, ills colour, 22 x 26 cm, hb, Japanese/English

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