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New Titles in Photography 11 June 2024
Ari Marcopoulos - Sumo Judo

Isbn 9789464460612
Publisher Roma Publications
Idea code 24283
€ 20.00

The series of portraits in this book were made during two trips that Ari Marcopoulos made to Tokyo and Kyoto, in 2013 and 2023 respectively. Despite the informality of the situation in which the subjects are captured, each individual meets the camera’s gaze with a sense of self-assurance and openness that reflects the trust that was quickly gained in each situation. The images reveal the crucial affinity between his camera and the technical skills and athleticism on display – a generous understanding of creativity and technique that goes beyond conventional boundaries and in which the distinction between practicing and performance becomes unimportant.

62 p, ills colour & bw, 15 x 20 cm, pb, English

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Martin Tscholl – Imaginary Ecologies

Isbn 9789083357157
Publisher The Eriskay Connection
Idea code 24272
€ 45.00

A significant part of the work of artistic researcher Martin Tscholl (DE) involves walking through meadows, forests, and mountains. Here, he encounters a web of interconnections that extends far beyond the realm of humans. This web is inhabited by a wide variety of organisms, materials, and processes that are mutually dependent and in permanent change. By actively looking out for these other beings a correspondence between the human and the non-human spheres starts to unfold. In this process the apparent opposites of the rational and irrational, life and non-life, art and nature, converge. Tscholl’s photography allows us to recognise the silent fragments of nature as being different from us, but also as originating from the same ontological ground.

240 p, ills colour, 23 x 31 cm, hb, English

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Very Charming Animals: Humans

Isbn 9782940695270
Publisher Label Rapace
Idea code 24267
€ 37.00

Following on his publication ‘Very Charming Animals: Cats’, Augustin Rebetez returns with ‘Humans’, an unsettling and weirdly provocative portrayal of the flawed human subject. Delving into the depths of the internet, the Swiss artist cherry-picks various images, casually retouching and combining them using Photoshop. The result is a nightmarish menagerie of all kinds of human faces and poor dental hygiene mixed with animal attributes such as sharp teeth, textured skin, swathes of hair, and more. In his vibrant exploration of a total art which defies categorisation, Rebetez collaborates with artists, punks, models, musicians, and friends in producing his surprising body of work.

68 p, ills colour & bw, 22 x 34 cm, pb, English

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Simone Engelen – 27 Drafts

Isbn 9789083345970
Publisher Fw: Books
Idea code 24303
€ 35.00

A defining moment for Simone Engelen was when she was sexually abused by two individuals during her high school year in the U.S. This devastating event not only influenced how Engelen interacts with others but also reshaped her perception of intimacy. In ‘27 Drafts’, she visually articulates this inner battle of dealing with her body, identity and feminity. Her inward journey began with shame, and led her to develop coping mechanisms involving addiction, anger and control issues. In 2022 Engelen decided to go back to the U.S. with her mother in order to find closure. It evolved into an exploration of a past life, in which the photographer used her camera as a filter to create necessary distance and engage in conversations long avoided. The title refers to the 27 attempts she has made to put into words the impact of this assault; simply seeking ways to share this single event - that shaped the most formative years of her life.

108 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 28 cm, pb, English

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Thomas Locke Hobbs – Rampitas

Isbn 9789083357195
Publisher The Eriskay Connection
Idea code 24271
€ 25.00

Motorcycles are the mode of choice to get around in Medellín, Colombia. In the working-class districts that climb the steep slopes of the Valle de Aburrá, residents have self-built elaborate neighborhoods outside of formal urban planning. While humans can walk up steps, wheeled vehicles require ramps. From the basic need to wheel your bike inside at night, a vast assortment of small ramps has emerged. These ramps possess a sculptural and expressive quality, and constitute a kind of folk brutalism. Rampitas is a small study of and appreciation for these forms that tell so much about the conditions – social, economic, and topographical – that defined the struggles and lives of the people who built them.

50 , ills bw, 14 x 16 cm, leporello,

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Coco Capitán - The Minute You Have a Minute

Isbn 9782492175442
Publisher Rvb Books
Idea code 24359
€ 37.65

“The minute you have a minute, you don’t have it anymore”. So begins the journey of Spanish-born, London-based artist Coco Capitán on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, a train that doubles as a luxury hotel. While on its route from Paris to Venice, she became more than a photographer and transformed into a curious traveller taking a trip with friends. Images fluctuate from playful snapshots to thoughtful moments of contemplation. She captures the welcoming staff, the landscape rolling by, the opulence of the carriages, the genteel passengers, and more in a portrait of the intimate “slow living” that a train journey entails, with mindfulness and awareness of the surroundings.

120 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, hb, English

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History of sports

Isbn 9782915704990
Publisher Jeu De Paume
Idea code 24368
€ 21.40

From athletes staged by the Nadar studio to Clint Eastwood photographed by Xavier Lambours, the paths between athletes and photographers take many twists and turns in the collection of the Médiathèque du Patrimoine et de la Photographie (MPP). Sport and competition, highlighted in this year of the Olympics coming to France, offer a unique occasion to unearth rarely shown images that bring together photographers working on commission or pursuing personal projects, be they writer-photographers like Émile Zola, photojournalists like Guy Le Querrec and Renée Falcke, illustrators like René-Jacques, or visual artists like Gladys. A Story of Sport is an opportunity to discover or rediscover the sports photography held in France's national collections. It showcases, like this accompanying portfolio, a wide variety of approaches, gathering over two hundred prints by thirty professional and amateur photographers, from the 1890s to the 2000s.

96 p, ills colour & bw, 22 x 31 cm, pb, French/English

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Takashi Homma – Islands, Islets, and Their Mushrooms

Publisher LimArt
Idea code 24244
€ 28.50

For this book, Takashi Homma revisited the Finnish islands he first travelled to in 2016, inspired by the documentary film about Tove Jansson, ‘Haru: The Island of the Solitary’ (1998). Homma’s photographs capture the beauty of the islands and the sea between them, but also offer a brief photographic account of the various mushrooms growing in the region. The images are interspersed with personal essays written by Keiko Morishita (who served as Homma’s coordinator) about his own experiences on the islands and the lives of the people who live there. The photobook appears on the occasion of the Tokyo Art Book Fair 2023, which included a section dedicated the Nordic countries.

88 p, ills colour & bw, 14 x 20 cm, pb, Japanese

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Boris Tellegen: 121/183, 761 photos of red-brown steel freight wagons with a painting on the side

Isbn 9789083106649
Publisher A Paper Book
Idea code 24366
€ 54.00

Between 2010 and 2023, graffiti artist DELTA produced an extensive series of paintings on the freight wagons of Deutsche Bahn, Germany’s national railway company. Artworks combining white paint with black spray paint were applied to more than 700 wagons. This anthology of DELTA’s train series, designed by Sandra Kassenaar and Bart de Baets, documents nearly all of these works, each one unique. Rather than present wagons chronologically, it groups them in conceptual series, emphasising the artist’s fluid process. Additional images and explanations by the artist offer insight into his attitude towards impermanence, as well as thoughts on the tools, site, or execution.

250 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 30 cm, pb, English

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Rosie Marks - Mount Nelson

Isbn 9782492175459
Publisher Rvb Books
Idea code 24360
€ 37.65

London-based photographer Rosie Marks has an endless fascination for the people around her and a keen sensitivity to the human condition. For this reason she received a commission to photograph the legendary Mount Nelson Hotel in Cape Town. This book is the result, a testament to how a project can allow a photographer to not only work as an artist but also live as a guest. Fascinated by the rhythms of administrative work that go hand-in-hand with ritual and community among the hotel staff, Marks was drawn to photographing them and offers glimpses into their daily routines alongside views of the hotel grounds, buildings, and the ubiquitous Egyptian goose.

112 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, hb, English

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Letizia Le Fur - Caruso

Isbn 9782492175466
Publisher Rvb Books
Idea code 24361
€ 37.65

“Looking at a photograph by Letizia Le Fur is like seeing colours for the first time.” This observation reflects the French artist’s early training as a painter, before discovering the enchantment of photography. In this series of images, she portrays the Caruso, a luxury hotel on the Amalfi Coast in southern Italy. Le Fur wields the camera like a paintbrush, capturing the hotel’s architecture against the glowing hills and towering cliffs of this iconic stretch of coastline, in turn reinforcing the place’s dreamlike, timeless aspect. Almost like paintings, Le Fur’s photographs become perfect illustrations of what she calls the “omnipresent sun” that drenches the 11th-century walls and cliffside gardens.

96 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, hb, English

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Bart Lodewijks New Neighbours / Nieuwe buren

Isbn 9789464460629
Publisher Roma Publications
Idea code 24316
€ 25.00

Two years ago, Dutch visual artist Bart Lodewijks received a curious phone call from someone wanting to know if he would be interested in making his signature chalk drawings in Belgium’s newest prison. He arrived to find it is nothing but a construction site, so the first drawings appeared along the street where the prison would be located. He got acquainted with the locals – a landlord, the parcel delivery guy, an orange tomcat – and spoke with residents about the imminent changes in their neighbourhood. More than a year later, the first inmates arrived and Lodewijks ventured inside the prison with them. This book documents the project in its strange and wonderful entirety.

112 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 30 cm, pb, Dutch/English

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Gaétan Uldry - I No Longer Love Blue Skies

Isbn 9782492175374
Publisher Rvb Books
Idea code 24358
€ 40.85

In the context of contemporary warfare, drones are becoming more and more technologically sophisticated. Increasingly, they are being used as tools for control, surveillance, and repression. Through a selection of images collected from various channels active in several of today’s ongoing conflicts (Syria, Libya, Mali, Central Africa, and Ukraine), this book questions the ways in which war is represented. Where journalistic images are often framed, if not suppressed, by the belligerents and tend to lose relevance, they are gradually being supplanted by these machine-produced images. Gaétan Uldry’s book brings together documentary images with only minimal editorial intervention.

96 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 33 cm, pb, French/English

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Mafalda Rakoš – All in this together — Four dialogical portraits

Isbn 9789493363007
Publisher The Eriskay Connection
Idea code 24341
€ 28.00

What are the psychological effects of a pandemic and how do we look back on these times of social isolation? Has it changed how we relate to others and the world around us? Mafalda Rakoš (AT) questions the impossibility of captivating someone else’s inner world through photography. But also how portraying others relates to discourses around representation, especially in anthropological research. Together with four protagonists, the artist questioned how social isolation affected their mental health and their non-substance addictions. Through sessions involving conversations, drawings, and portraits, Rakoš tried to render something invisible – a sense of loneliness, confusion, or even harmony and calm – visible on camera. As the meetings unfolded, their dialogical character took center stage.

128 p, ills colour, 17 x 23 cm, pb, English

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Stephen Gill – Magnificent Failure

Isbn 9784991313813
Publisher LimArt
Idea code 24240
€ 45.35

Failure and accident – and one’s attitude to them – are crucial parts of the creative process. As part of the process of printing on an offset press, paper is occasionally run through the press to warm it up, after a plate change, or to test new ink settings. The paper sheets are usually used several times and then discarded. With ‘Magnificent Failure’, artist Stephen Gill presents a series of accidental artworks created during the printing of another work. Produced without intention, the multiple overprints with ink residue have resulted in brilliantly coloured amalgamations, unusual compositions, and downright unintuitive clashes; in other words, magnificent failures.

34 p, ills colour, 22 x 28 cm, pb, English

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Kyler Zeleny – Bury Me in the Back Forty

Isbn 9781908889966
Publisher The Velvet Cell
Idea code 24297
€ 37.05

For a decade now, Kyler Zeleny has been documenting his hometown, a rural community on the Canadian Prairies, in Western Canada, with deep Ukrainian roots that comprises around 850 people. Through photographs, collected objects, community archives, and hidden histories, Zeleny juxtaposes his investigations with the community’s history book from the year 1980. ‘Bury Me in the Back Forty’ therefore serves as a pluralistic history of the community and embraces both official and unofficial accounts of events in its past. Zeleny’s sensitive portrayal encapsulates the collective virtues and vices found at the heart of any complex place on the verge of disappearing.

168 p, ills colour, 22 x 28 cm, hb, English

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Asaf Einy - Say Something About The Sea

Isbn 9781988689142
Publisher Sternthal Books
Idea code 24262
€ 52.25

Say Something About the Sea is a new photography book by Asaf Einy which explores various conceptions of masculinity in the Middle East. Drawing equally from fashion photography and documentary, his queer gaze shows how different bodies of color - and kinds of manhood - perform in a continuum along which identity, ethnicity, physicality, and sexuality interrelate. The book is divided into three chapters. Each examines the eros-driven relationship between the photographer and the photographed. In the first chapter, “Bruises,” Einy’s subjects and scenes merge into a series that mixes staged and documentary portraiture. The second chapter, “Thicket,” activates the idea of the working brief using online platforms such as Fiverr for the creation of images. The third chapter, “Be Water,” makes room for Einy’s ongoing dialogue with his subjects, in which the original roles of subject/object are abandoned in favor of friendship and collegiality. The book opens with excerpts from a video work by Einy exploring the tension between the stranger and the familiar as a constant negotiation.

246 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 28 cm, hb, English/Arabic/Hebrew

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Georgia Metaxas – Mnemosyne Grove

Isbn 9781922545312
Publisher Perimeter Editions
Idea code 24260
€ 40.70

Mnemosyne Grove, the debut book from London-based Australian artist Georgia Metaxas, traverses this territory with great sensitivity and poeticism. Using the olive tree as its central motif, the project explores family lineage and tragedy through connections between land, family archives, and storytelling, reflecting on the photograph’s ability to provide a nexus for multiple personal histories – in particular, those of migration, displacement, loss, and return.

192 p, ills colour & bw, 15 x 19 cm, hb, English

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Kei Ono – A Portrait for Myself

Isbn 9784861529542
Publisher Seigensha
Idea code 24311
€ 33.60

Kei Ono began shooting portraits of high school students from throughout Japan in 2002. This collection, the third in the series after ‘The Glare of Youth’ (2006) and ‘New Text’ (2013), represents the culmination of that endeavour. As Ono sees it, the high school years offer teens a precious opportunity, when they are able to seriously reflect on themselves, and in that sense their figures strike at the heart of the human condition. Ono’s work continued until the global Covid-19 pandemic forced him to stop. Over a period of roughly five months in 2022, once restrictions had been lifted, he shot portraits of students after their experience with the pandemic, bringing the series to an end.

128 p, ills colour, 25 x 19 cm, hb, Japanese/English

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Bob Marley by Dennis Morris - Portraits of The King

Isbn 9784908749445
Publisher Tang Deng Co.
Idea code 24313
€ 58.50

Bob Marley (1945-1981), reggae god. A genuine superstar whose name is known by all, andwhose importance will be increasingly recognised in 2024 when his first biopic is due to bereleased worldwide. Young photographer Dennis Morris, whose talent was recognized and then welcomed as part of his family by Bob Marley, followed THE WAILERS closely from their first UK tour ("Catch a Fire Tour" 1973) and took many masterful photographs. The portraits of Bob Marley by Dennis Morris are the result of their friendship, and you're sure to have seen at least one or two of them somewhere before.

84 p, ills colour, 26 x 34 cm, hb, English

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Sasha Maslov – SAINTS

Isbn 9786177948468
Publisher Ist Publishing
Idea code 24356
€ 80.00

Saints is a photobook by Sasha Maslov in which he portrays stories of people during the Russian war against Ukraine in 2022–2023. Maslov presents his meaning of modern day sanctity and self-sacrifice of Ukrainians which transformed during the 10 years of the war.The book contains more than 100 photos and stories of people who are serving the Ukrainian Armed Forces, volunteering, and doing their everyday work for defending Ukraine. Many photographed heroes and heroines are killed and gone missing, therefore the photobook is in honour of lives lost and celebrates lives saved.

312 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 31 cm, hb, English

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