Worlding Ecologies – Art, Science and Activism towards Climate Justice
Isbn 9789493246348 Publisher Valiz Idea code 24489 € 27.50
How can art, science, and institutional practices counteract the negative consequences of climate and ecological breakdown? How can these practices and ideas advance systemic change? This publication serves as an anthology of examples and a wayward navigational tool, with eighteen authors exploring this question from a diverse range of expertise. The book emphasises the fundamental role of art as a vehicle and support structure for intersectional ecological thought. By navigating imagination, worlding possibilities, scientific fact, social justice, and climate action, it promotes the role of art in creating the blueprints for regenerative and sustainable, more-than-human worlds.
300 p, no ills, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English
Stephan Keppel & Marc Nagtzaam – Support Sheet
Isbn 9789464460599 Publisher Roma Publications Idea code 24386 € 27.50
This publication arose from a collaboration between artists Marc Nagtzaam and Stephan Keppel. Photographs of their site specific exhibition en route! OULIPO en route! are followed by a series of collage-like scans by Nagtzaam and Keppel in which they combine each other’s drawings and photographs, collected for this project. Design: Roger Willems.
128 p, ills bw, 22 x 31 cm, pb, English
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Film X Autochthonous Struggles Today
Isbn 9783956796500 Publisher Sternberg Press Idea code 24471 € 22.00
Film X Autochthonous Struggles Today brings together for the first time filmmakers, activists, film curators, and scholars who share a common interest in filmmaking practices that emerge from and participate in the various situations of struggle that the Autochthonous/ Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal/First Nations peoples and communities are involved in worldwide. The vast majority of these representations, however, have not been produced by nor for Autochthonous peoples. This book answers the need to take a global look at the diverse ways of filmmaking that fight for land rights and against environmental injustice (Brazil, Morocco, Taiwan, USA), that resist neocolonial domination, economic and political exploitation (Japan, Philippines), that offer a counterpoint during low intensity or drawn-out armed conflicts (Colombia, Mexico), that invent strategies of counter information and representation (Australia, Canada, Russia, Samoa), and that strive for visibility.
544 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English
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Aruna D'Souza - Imperfect Solidarities
Isbn 9783982389486 Publisher Floating Opera Press Idea code 24481 € 19.35
Can empathy deliver political change? Does art that elicits emotional identification with others take us where we need to go? In Imperfect Solidarities, writer and art historian Aruna D'Souza offers observations pulled from current events as well as contemporary art that suggest that a feeling of understanding or closeness based on emotion is an imperfect ground for solidarity. Empathy—and its correlate, love—is a distraction from the hard work that needs to be done to achieve justice. Rather, D'Souza contends, we need to imagine a form of political solidarity that is not based on empathy, but on the much more difficult obligation of care. When we can respect the unknowability of the other and still care for and with them, without translating ourselves into their terms, perhaps we will fare better at building political bridges.
116 p, ills colour & bw, 12 x 17 cm, pb, English
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Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto)
Isbn 9788899058692 Publisher Bruno Idea code 24288 € 13.45
Art for Radical Ecologies is a platform impulsed by Institute of Radical Imagination that brings together art workers and eco-activists to discuss the role art can play in the creation of new radical ecologies. The 'Art for Radical Ecologies Manifesto' is the initial result of this collective writing, to reflect on the positioning and role of art within the interconnected struggles for climate and ecological justice. The essays in the book expand on the main points presented in the 16 articles of the Manifesto: the need to intertwine new materialisms and historical materialism; the specification of who the subjects of the struggles are in a more-than-human perspective; the setting of possible strategies against censorship and artwashing, and a radical critique of extractivism and colonialism.
240 p, ills colour & bw, 11 x 18 cm, pb, English
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Ronan Bouroullec - Triptyque
Isbn 9782494711006 Publisher Éditions 7L & Villa Noailles Idea code 24478 € 49.00
In 2023, as part of the rich programme celebrating its centenary, the villa Noailles has invited Ronan Bouroullec to present three exhibitions: Dessins quotidiens (Daily Drawings) at the Hôtel des Arts in Toulon, Les mains à l'argile (Hands to Clay) at the Galerie du Canon and Productions récentes (Recent Productions) at the villa Noailles itself. The invitation took the form of a triptych resonating with the world of Ronan Bouroullec, where the effects of unfolding, perspective and the organisation of visual planes occupy a central place. The graphic design of this book is an extension of this. For the first time, Ronan Bouroullec's three intertwined daily practices are brought together in a single work: drawing, clay—through his ceramic sculptures, vases, facing tiles and bas-reliefs—and also his latest proposals for object design and in situ projects, including the renovation of the Saint-Michel chapel in Brasparts.
144 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 30 cm, pb, French/English
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Ryan Gander - Artists at 5
Isbn 9782914171847 Publisher Kamel Mennour Idea code 24430 € 32.25
Artists at 5 aims to take a look at artists' before they had any realisation of their future selves, taking into account the innocence of childhood alongside Ryan Gander's preoccupations with the understanding of time, divergent historic potentials, "what-if" para-possible futures and the privilege of hindsight and retrospect. Presented chronologically alongside a date and place in which the photograph was taken, it gives an history of amateur photography across all continents. Starting from the early 20th century to the most recent generation of artists whose photographs were taken in the early 21st Century, the book show also progression in technology and attitudes toward the camera. Artists at 5 includes artists such as Alexander Calder, Anicka Yi, Arthur Jafa, Barbara Hepworth, Ben Elliot, Ceal Floyer, Cindy Sherman, Cornelia Parker, Gabriel Kuri, Gary Hume, Holly Hendry, KAWS, Lawrence Weiner, Marcel Broodthaers, Marina Abramović, Olafur Eliasson, Prem Sahib, Ragnar Kjartansson, Richard Deacon, Sarah Morris, Stuart Middleton, Susan Hiller, Uri Aran, and Wolfgang Tillmans.
368 p, ills colour & bw, 16 x 22 cm, pb, English
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Construction of the Universe - Artists' Magazines and Publications After Marcel Duchamp
Isbn 9791281232075 Publisher Viaindustriae and a+mbookstore Idea code 24435 € 35.75
COSTRUZIONE DELL’UNIVERSO: Artists’ Magazines and Publications after Marcel Duchamp is a research project that collects artists' magazines and publications from the 1950s to the present, beginning with the work of Marcel Duchamp. This often overlooked sector of artistic production explores newspapers and magazines as artistic mediums. The selection includes rare and extraordinary items where artists design covers, inner pages, and image sequences, making each publication a unique, yet replicable work. These publications often become open and collective containers, engaging multiple artists within the same layout or across different issues. The title "Construction of the Universe" highlights the pioneering role of the early 20th-century avant-garde movement, referencing the 1915 Manifesto “Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe,” which resembled a newspaper layout. Starting in the 1950s, a utopian vision emerged among artists, freed from the existential weight of world conflicts. They envisioned creating a new society, characterized by traveling architectures, open spaces, new languages, and a longing for the future and the cosmos.
352 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, Italian/English
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Céline Condorelli - Deux Ans de Vacances, Dos Años de Vacaciones, Dwa Lata Wakacji, Two years Vacation, Due Anni di Vacanza
Isbn 9783949973017 Publisher Archive Books Idea code 24469 € 22.45
This book, Deux Ans de Vacances, Dos Años de Vacaciones, Dwa Lata Wakacji, Two years Vacation, Due Anni di Vacanza, documents the production of Céline Condorelli's process-based, cumulative artwork titled 'Tools for Imagination'. The title of the book raises the question of labour and working time, starting from a non-equivalence with its inverse: free time. We can read the various iterations of the title which appear on the cover as an expression of the impossibility of thinking about time outside of work in a univocal dimension.
120 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English
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Jonathan Monk - Sol LeWitt Rules
Isbn 9791281790070 Publisher Viaindustriae Idea code 24499 € 20.45
Jonathan Monk's first show with Yvon Lambert’s Paris gallery was in 1997, and the artist continued working with him until the gallery closed in 2014. In the early 2000s, Yvon gave Monk a ruler stamped with the initials "SL," explaining that Sol LeWitt had left it behind after installing a show twenty years earlier. This 30 cm ruler inspired a publication and an edition of 100 ceramic rulers documented in it. Jonathan Monk’s rulers are not straight, lack numbers and lines, and each one is slightly different from the next. The process used is extrusion, manually pushing clay through a metal profile made to match the original ruler given to the artist by Yvon Lambert. Sol LeWitt Rules was produced at the historic ceramic workshop La Gioconda in Deruta, which collaborated with Sol LeWitt in the 1980s on ceramic plates and tiles. The book includes 100 photographs of the 100 rulers made for Jonathan Monk’s exhibition "SL" at the Torre Bonomo in Spoleto. The faster you flick through it, the quicker it moves.
208 p, ills bw, 10 x 21 cm, pb, English
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Cosmos Cinema: 14th Shanghai Biennale
Isbn 9781915609601 Publisher Sternberg Press Idea code 24459 € 44.00
We look to the stars not to escape from the world but to understand our position within it. From contemplating the sun, moon, and stars, humanity has derived its diverse origin stories, cosmologies, belief systems, concepts of death, and social hierarchies. The cosmos defines us just as we define the cosmos. Published to complement the 14th Shanghai Biennale, entitled Cosmos Cinema and curated by Anton Vidokle, this illustrated catalogue extends the exhibition’s proposal that the methodologies of filmmaking might offer one way of representing and reimagining our entanglement in time and space. The book presents the work of artists from the early twentieth century to the present alongside a series of specially commissioned essays on subjects ranging from the history of Shanghai cinema to the possibility of communicating with nonhuman intelligence. These artworks and texts encourage readers to reflect on their place within the systems that shape every aspect of our lived experience.
424 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 28 cm, pb, English
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Why I Do What I Do - Twenty Global Curators Speak
Isbn 9781915609526 Publisher Sternberg Press Idea code 24458 € 16.00
For this fourth volume of the series Thoughts on Curating, twenty renowned curators and collectives from across the globe write about a single exhibition or curatorial project they created that transformed their thinking and the way they have curated ever since. Their innovations, practical considerations, and ways of grappling with the most urgent issues of the day offer a unique handbook of curatorial ideas—rational and whimsical, poetic and political—and serve as a fascinating record of exhibition-making in the twenty-first century. With contributions by Defne Ayas, Zoe Butt, Raqs Media Collective, Adrienne Edwards, Ruth Estévez, iLiana Fokianaki, Hendrik Folkerts, Kate Fowle, Martin Guinard, Kit Hammonds, Hou Hanru, María Belén Sáez de Ibarra, Udo Kittelmann, Catherine Nichols, Hoor al Qasimi, farid rakun, Bernardo José de Souza, Claire Tancons, Xiaoyu Weng, Raimundas Malašauskas with Joy Zhu.
256 p, no ills, 11 x 18 cm, pb, English
Eva Forest - A Strange Adventure
Isbn 9781915609250 Publisher Sternberg Press Idea code 24374 € 12.00
Multivocal and anonymous, A Strange Adventure is oral-history-as-theater—the theater of memory, trauma, and torture. A play with neither named characters nor stage directions, it is a reckoning with the immediate past: a group of women recount ten days of torture, in 1974, just after the Spanish state rounded up Basque nationalists and other activists it could conveniently incarcerate. This stuttering yet lucid text—written by Eva Forest, who was held in Yeserías Prison in Madrid from 1974 to 1977 without charge or trial—is as urgent today as ever, transcending its context of Basque struggle and Francoist fascism. Emerging from a space and time that many prefer to forget, A Strange Adventure is testimony to the resilience, humility, and power of a group of women who refuse repression, who find life in collectivity, who speak in echoes, silences, and screams.
160 p, no ills, 12 x 18 cm, pb, English
Magda Stawarska
Isbn 9781915609298 Publisher Sternberg Press Idea code 24456 € 14.00
For nearly two decades, Polish-born, UK-based artist Magda Stawarska has explored the threshold of memory, the sanctioned shape of history, and the active experience of listening. Through sound and performance, moving image, photography, painting, and printmaking, the artist unfolds overlooked and contested narratives of the past through her practice of “inner listening.” In this critical biography, author Omar Kholeif offers an introductory field guide to the artist’s practice. Structured as a travelogue, Kholeif moves with Stawarska along various journeys, allowing readers to venture from the streets of Istanbul to the canals of Venice and across the waters of Zanzibar. The book concludes with an afterword by Turner Prize-winning artist Lubaina Himid CBE RA.
96 p, ills colour & bw, 11 x 16 cm, pb, English
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Holly Schmidt - Forecast
Isbn 9781988860206 Publisher Information Office/ Vancouver Idea code 24491 € 26.00
During Holly Schmidt’s three-year residency at the University of British Columbia (UBC), she created Forecast (2019–23), a series of short poetic texts using weather report language to reflect on environmental changes. These reflective mirror-finish texts, applied to various campus architectural glazing, interact with the environment, highlighting weather and seasonal impacts on campus ecology. Initially installed on the AHVA Gallery windows and part of the exhibition ...we can know more than we can tell..., curated by Christine D’Onofrio, Forecast has also appeared on the clerestory windows of the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery and the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS). Schmidt’s work explores human-nature relationships through site-specific public projects and material experiments.
180 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, hb, English
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Kehinde Wiley – A Maze of Power
Isbn 9782917515563 Publisher Templon Idea code 24293 € 30.10
Kehinde Wiley, whose work reinterprets pictorial representations of power and prestige through the tradition of portrait painting, began to question the meaning of presidential leadership after the election of Barack Obama. In 2012, he imagined an unprecedented series dedicated to African heads of state. For the next ten years, he travelled the continent to meet them. With each of them, he has explored the history of aristocratic, royal and military portraiture in 17th- 18th- and 19th-century Europe, to create a composition that illustrates each leader's singular view of what it means to be a contemporary African leader. In September 2023, the series A Maze of Power was exhibited for the first time at musée du quai Branly – Jacques Chirac.
82 p, ills colour, 30 x 30 cm, hb, French/English
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Off Track - Art and philosophy as triggers for system change
Isbn 9789462264656 Publisher Lecturis Idea code 24449 € 35.00
In 'Off Track' art and philosophy are the inspiration to look differently at daily life and organizations. The book is a plea to approach the complexity of the current world with new metaphors. The author calls this ‘thinking around’. She sees that in ‘square worlds’ there is a need for tools to approach entrenched patterns and systems differently and to get thought processes moving. Sarai van de Boel challenges the reader to look at one’s own systems from the inside with a philosophical approach.
236 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English
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The Contemporary Condition - The Autonomy of Art Is Ordinary: Notes in Defense of an Idea of Emancipation
Isbn 9781915609618 Publisher Sternberg Press Idea code 24446 € 8.00
Over recent decades, a post-critical theoretical and methodological paradigm has become increasingly dominant in the human sciences. Proponents of this approach have come to dismiss the idea—central to all modern aesthetics—of the autonomy of art. Written by critic and researcher Kim West, this book is a defence of art’s autonomy and addresses some of the major arguments against it in recent post-critical writings. West critiques three key positions: first, that the concept of art’s autonomy equals a myth of objective independence; second, that it is inextricably tied to traditions of formalist elitism; and third, that the ideal of autonomy reinforces the illusion of the inherently free and rational subject. From within this critique, West advances principles for how the autonomy of art could be understood today.
64 p, ills bw, 12 x 19 cm, pb, English
Anna Bromley - I Speak Radio
Isbn 9783949973512 Publisher Archive Books Idea code 24439 € 16.35
Since 2010, Anna Bromley has been inviting artists, activists and cultural researchers into the radio studio to explore language and voice together, in the context of sound, politics and everyday life. What began as an artists’ radio research format has developed over the years into a series of exhibition pieces focusing on radio and its visible and invisible transmission bodies. Publishing a selection of her radiophonic essays here for the first time, I Speak Radio reflects Bromley’s collaborative radio practice. The publication also provides insight into the corresponding exhibition formats of these projects, including cooperations with a large number of artists, activists, radio makers and theorists. An index of images and texts on Bromley’s other artistic works is inserted into the book.
368 p, ills colour & bw, 11 x 18 cm, pb, English
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Eef Veldkamp - On the Contrary: Rethinking Engaged Art in an Age of Social Unrest
Isbn 9789491444944 Publisher Artez Press Idea code 24428 € 34.95
'On the Contrary: Rethinking Engaged Art in an Age of Social Unrest' is a collection of essays that re-evaluate key artistic concepts that influence the way in which engaged practices are conducted. Historically produced ideas about, for example, spectatorship, autonomy, what an artwork is, and the political role of the artist determine to a large degree how contemporary practices constitute themselves. Might these concepts be faulty when acted out in practices that occupy fundamentally different premises – to put it bluntly – than producing a painting to be hanged on a wall? The answer is ‘yes’, hence they need both analytic and rhetorical confrontation. In this thought-stimulating book, author and artist Eef Veldkamp takes the reader in what gathers as a philosophically guided tour through engaged practices and theories within the arts.
384 p, ills bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English
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Towards Home - Inuit & Sámi Placemaking
Isbn 9789493246256 Publisher Valiz/CCA Idea code 24276 € 27.00
'Towards Home / Ruovttu Guvlui', an Indigenous-led publication, explores how Inuit, Sámi, and other communities across the Arctic are creating self-determined spaces. It is informed by the perspectives of a group of Inuit, Sámi, and settler co-editors who share the ambition to promote northern Indigenous forms of sovereignty shaped by an understanding of the land as home. The project emphasizes caring for and living on the land as a way of being, and celebrates practices of spacemaking and placemaking that empower Indigenous communities.
352 p, ills bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English/Inuktitut
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Vers Chez Soi / Ruovttu Guvlui
Isbn 9789493246263 Publisher Valiz Idea code 24277 € 27.00
'Vers Chez Moi / ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui', an Indigenous-led publication, explores how Inuit, Sámi, and other communities across the Arctic are creating self-determined spaces. It is informed by the perspectives of a group of Inuit, Sámi, and settler co-editors who advocate northern Indigenous forms of sovereignty shaped by an understanding of the land as home. The project emphasizes caring for and living on the land as a way of being, and celebrates practices of spacemaking and placemaking that empower Indigenous communities.
352 p, ills bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, Northern Sami/French/Inuktitut
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Wages For Wages Against – Volume 3 – How Are Artists Chosen? Exclusivity, precarious work and asymmetries in Art Competitions
Isbn 9782960324624 Publisher L'Amazone Idea code 24432 € 10.75
In 2022, the collective Wages for Wages Against applied for the Swiss Art Awards to challenge the prize's model and its effects on artists. Art competitions, starting from school to professional recognition like the Turner Prize, often present as opportunities but perpetuate inequality and precarity by favoring a select few. These practices validate unpaid labor and exclude many artists. We surveyed participants and non-participants of the Swiss Art Awards to understand their experiences and advocate for a more inclusive and supportive art world, aiming to rethink artists' support policies and reduce competition.
80 p, ills colour & bw, 15 x 21 cm, pb, English
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Anita Chari - A User's Manual to Claire Fontaine
Isbn 9791280579683 Publisher Lenz Press Idea code 24426 € 21.50
A User’s Manual to Claire Fontaine explores the work of the feminist conceptual artist collective Claire Fontaine through the lens of her theoretical and political innovations, both inside and outside the context of contemporary art. Theorizing the ways in which Claire Fontaine’s experimental approach can illuminate a more haptic, embodied practice of critical theory, this book delineates a series of theoretical techniques and procedures at the core of the artist’s work, among them defunctionalization, Institutional Critique, human strike, tactile mimesis, desubjectivation, détournement, magic materialism, and feminist materialism.
252 p, ills colour & bw, 11 x 18 cm, pb, English
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Towards the Realm of Materiality – Designing Philip K. Dick's Non-Existing Technologies
Isbn 9788880562610 Publisher Nero Idea code 24480 € 21.50
Philip K. Dick, one of the most prolific and visionary authors of the 20th century, crafted compelling visions of possible futures and dystopian realities teeming with humans, artificial intelligences, and more. Yet, the Dickian universe is more than just its characters—it’s a realm intricately built with technological devices, machines, and objects entirely conceived by this brilliant mind. How did Philip K. Dick envision these technologies, and through them, the future? And now, decades after his time, how should we perceive and interpret these tools? More intriguingly, how can we decode and reconstruct the creative process that led to the creation and “materialization” of these devices? Grounded in a multidisciplinary framework, this volume explores alternative designs and projects for some of the non-existing technologies described in Philip K. Dick’s oeuvre.
338 p, ills colour & bw, 11 x 17 cm, pb, English
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Dreams - of dreams of dreams
Isbn 9789493382015 Publisher Onomatopee Idea code 24408 € 15.00
The act of dreaming is positioned delicately between the real and the unreal. It is nourished by hope and desire, but also by fear and disillusionment. Daily realities guide and narrate our dreams, but could this also work vice versa? Dreams are potent and give shape to the as yet unformed, what would arise if we started those of individuals and communities to shape a collective dream? When we dream together, we invent new paradigms, rules, and worlds, which could have a tangible impact on the present and initiate processes of transformation on a societal level. Would a common dream be able to reshape reality and change it?
128 p, ills colour, 11 x 17 cm, pb, English
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If Need Be
Isbn 9789083375618 Publisher Building Fictions Idea code 24354 € 40.00
If Need Be presents a constellation of stories about water scarcity in the arid regions of Central Asia, ancient Persia, and the American Great Plains. Artist duo Pejvak strings together a series of hallucinatory events involving artificial glaciers, dams and other human attempts to bring water under control. Giving equal weight to gossip, legend and historical fact, Pejvak takes the role of an unreliable narrator, situating the struggle for water within the struggle for the historical record. This publication was made as a continuation of If Need Be, an exhibition by Pejvak at Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design & Architecture, Hasselt, Belgium (12.06. – 22.08.2021). The exhibition was curated by Tim Roerig. Pejvak is the long-term collaboration between Felix Kalmenson and Rouzbeh Akhbari since 2014. Through their multivalent, intuitive approach to research and living they find themselves in a convergence and entanglement with like-minded collaborators, histories and various geographies.
316 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 30 cm, pb, English
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Real Intelligence (and Other Flows and Fictions). Basel Dialogues
Isbn 9783039690268 Publisher Christoph Merian Idea code 24379 € 26.90
Internationally renowned experts from art, design and architecture have their say in the new book series Basel Dialogues. They offer insight into the experiences and ideas arising from their current practice in conversations that are personal, passionate, thoughtful and humorous. The first volume focuses on issues to do with artificial and human intelligence, the relationship between documentation and reality, and with fiction as a form of design/creativity. The dialogues indicate that the pressing problems of our day cannot be resolved within individual sectors and disciplines.
196 p, ills colour & bw, 11 x 18 cm, pb, English
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What to Let Go?
Isbn 9783956796425 Publisher Sternberg Press Idea code 24333 € 26.00
This book contributes to discussions about what counts as heritage now, who gets to do the counting, and broader related issues around the subject of cultural sovereignty. It unpacks historical narratives and political memories linked with objects, sites, and ceremonies that have been lost, looted, restituted, repatriated, revived, or reinvented. Through its diverse line-up of discourse, poetry, and original artistic contributions, it weaves together subjects and geographies that are not usually part of the same conversation —from plundered cultural belongings held in colonial collections, to processes of renaming or removing symbols of past eras— and considers how they relate in the context of recent social upheavals and political processes across continents. In our era of dangerous revisionism, when history has become a battlefield for both the left and the right, we are asking: How can art reconfigure our collective foundational myths? And of what should we let go on the journey towards figuring it out?
368 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 30 cm, hb, English
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Archival Textures - Amplifying
Isbn 9789083419428 Publisher Archival Textures Idea code 24331 € 18.00
The book 'Amplifying' brings together written manifestations that trace the beginnings of Black feminism in the Netherlands. Amplifying means giving credit to, mentioning, over and over, and supporting the circulation of sources and authors that are formative for our thinking and practices. In the early 1980s, the political term “black” (zwart in Dutch) was introduced in the Netherlands to build alliances between women from different diasporic communities, who were faced with racism in their everyday lives. Archival materials featured in this book include the original manuscript of the essay “Survivors: Portrait of the Group Sister Outsider” (1984), written by Gloria Wekker in collaboration with the Black lesbian literary group Sister Outsider, the seminal speech Statement of the Black Women’s Group (1983) by Julia da Lima, a contextualizing interview with Tineke E. Jansen and Mo Salomon (1984), excerpts from the book launch of Philomena Essed’s Everyday Racism (1984), and short texts authored by other Black feminist groups in the Netherlands, such as Zwarte Vrouwen & Racisme, Flamboyant, Ashanti, and Groep Zwarte Vrouwen Nijmegen.
208 p, ills bw, 16 x 24 cm, pb, Dutch/English
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Archival Textures - (Re)claiming
Isbn 9789083419435 Publisher Archival Textures Idea code 24327 € 18.00
The book (Re)claiming presents ways in which various queer and feminist communities and initiatives in the Netherlands have (re)claimed the triangle—along with other symbols, words and stories—and in doing so take up an empowering position in a hostile society. Besides a collection of buttons, archival materials featured in this book include short statements and flyers by queer groups such as SUHO, Sjalhomo, Roze Front, Roze Driehoek, Roze Gebaar, Van Doofpot tot Mankepoot, Interpot/ILIS, Lesbisch Archief Amsterdam, Strange Fruit Vrouwen and Groep Zwarte Vrouwen Nijmegen, as well as a text by Karin Daan, the designer of the Homomonument in Amsterdam. With this selection, this book brings together queer, trans, crip, feminist, Jewish and Black perspectives on (re)claiming as an activist strategy.Most of these materials were researched at IHLIA LGBTI Heritage in Amsterdam, with additions found at the International Institute of Social History and the International Archive for the Women’s Movement (IAV-Atria) in Amsterdam, and LAN Lesbisch Archief Nijmegen.
184 p, ills bw, 16 x 24 cm, pb, Dutch/English
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Archival Textures - Posting
Isbn 9789083419442 Publisher Archival Textures Idea code 24328 € 18.00
The book Posting brings together a selection of feminist posters from Dutch archives to reflect on posting as an activist strategy, holding the potential to create counter-publics to mainstream culture and to fight against the erasure, exoticization, or tokenism of bodies and experiences that deviate from normative preconceptions. As is the case for many professions, in the history of Dutch graphic design the absence of women, non-binary, queer, Black designers is striking. This doesn’t only point back to systematic processes of exclusion in the first place, but also to the biases at play regarding whose work is remembered and archived. While efforts have been made to add forgotten names to the existing canon, the many posters, flyers and other printed matter shelved in queer and feminist archives remind us to question the notion of single authorship altogether and instead study graphic design as a decisively collaborative and transdisciplinary practice, which is especially true for community-led and volunteer-based projects. The posters featured in this book point to this rich landscape of feminist organizing, and were found at the International Institute of Social History and the International Archive for the Women’s Movement (IAV-Atria) in Amsterdam.
144 p, ills bw, 16 x 24 cm, pb, Dutch/English
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Archival Textures - Tuning In: Darimana?
Isbn 9789083419411 Publisher Archival Textures Idea code 24329 € 18.00
The book Tuning in: Darimana? revolves around a collection of 70 tapes with voices of Indonesian-Chinese women—an audio archive which finds its origins 40 years ago in Jakarta, Indonesia. When revisiting these tapes made by Tineke E. Jansen between 1980 and 1995, the act of attentive listening to the oral accounts of women’s experiences is central: Audio-recording allows “herstories” to be played back. On Tineke’s audio recordings, Indonesian-Chinese women talk about their migration to the Netherlands in the ’50s and ’60s, about family, upbringing, and their experience with racism. Tamara Hartman speaks with Tineke, who shares her views on oral history, Black feminism in the Netherlands, and migration. Their conversation is framed by two archival texts which draw on the recorded stories: A reprint of an article published in feminist magazine LOVER (1991) and a text that was once orally presented, but never published, titled “Herlina Yang Tercinta” (1994). Both texts derive from the collection of transcripts, notes, academic papers and pictures that are part of the archive. The book is a testament to one of the first attempts to tune in to Indonesian-Chinese women’s voices that rarely surface in public discourse.
120 p, ills bw, 16 x 24 cm, pb, Dutch/English
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Ola Vasiljeva - Ghost Town
Isbn 9789464460513 Publisher Roma Publications Idea code 24275 € 35.00
‘Ghost Town’ is the first comprehensive overview of Ola Vasiljeva's practice between 2008 and 2023, and (re)collects the fragments, shapes, and thoughts that have been (re)configured and (re)presented throughout the artist’s multifaceted constellations. It consists of three intertwined sections: exhibitions, projects by the Oceans Academy of Arts (OAOA, an art collective Vasiljeva founded in 2008), and “storage”. The latter is a cross between an index, an archive, and a collection, and reproduces some of the separate elements which have featured in the Amsterdam-based artist’s projects over the years, from installations to sculptural works and drawings. Co-published with Vleeshal, Middelburg.
324 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, pb, English
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Jeff Gibson: False Gestalt
Isbn 9781922545305 Publisher Perimeter Editions Idea code 24186 € 36.25
Jeff Gibson’s career as an artist seems woven from the threads of his travels, both physical and virtual. His neo-Pop investigations embrace both the multiplication of image populations characteristic of the digital world and the reduction of online commerce into silhouetted photographic insignia. More recently, Gibson has returned to analogue image scavenging – cutting, cropping, and layering found images into intricately layered patterns. This monograph gives a comprehensive look back at his career in all its varied phases, from the late 1970s to the present moment. With written contributions by Thomas Crow, Susan Best, Tara Heffernan, and Angela Goddard.
150 p, ills colour & bw, 18 x 25 cm, pb, English
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Archipelagic Affects
Isbn 9789083079363 Publisher Framer Framed Idea code 24231 € 15.00
'Archipelagic Affects' explores how art residencies nurture effective spaces to study the tangible and intangible cultural, historical, and geopolitical connections between different island countries. Conceived by Yornel J. Martínez Elías, researcher Emily Shin-Jie Lee, and in collaboration with Taiwanese novelist Huang Chong-Kai, the book interweaves visual and textual materials created in different time-spaces. Together, they form a shared travelogue that documents how cultures and worlds cross paths through an art residency experience.
152 p, ills bw, 10 x 15 cm, pb, Spanish/English
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Rheim Alkadhi Majnoon Field Guide
Isbn 9783949973208 Publisher Archive Books Idea code 24336 € 30.65
The Majnoon oil field lies in southern Iraq. It is one of the richest oil fields in the world. Majnoon also stands for the violence and the state of mind that survives the violence. Interdisciplinary artist Rheim Alkadhi’s examination of the area is not a field guide in any customary sense. Rather, this monograph of her project unfolds alongside a search for emancipatory practice across multiple mediums. The volume is divided into five parts, preceded by maps and legends. Just as any map is appended by its legends, Alkadhi rewrites them from the perspective of dismantling. Her work opens up diverse perspectives on borders, migration, gender, and intimacy in a poetic manner.
308 p, ills colour & bw, 15 x 23 cm, hb, English
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A Few Homers
Isbn 9782931110034 Publisher Surfaces Utiles Idea code 24337 € 12.00
“Homer” is an English translation of the Hungarian word “fusizni”, a subversive practice from 1970s communist Hungary described by philosopher Miklós Haraszti: unbeknownst to their bosses, steel factory workers would distract themselves from the repetitive labour by using the machines and equipment to candidly make objects for themselves. Mundane objects, were it not for them being glimpses of life, true dreams of self-expression and welcome free thought, homers consisted of things such as ashtrays, bases for flower pots, keychains. This book collects artworks and texts related to homers, sometimes directly, sometimes not. It tries to merge art with labour, just like homers struggle to do.
104 p, ills colour, 11 x 17 cm, pb, English
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Babs Haenen – Try and Treasure
Isbn 9789493329164 Publisher Jap Sam Books Idea code 24398 € 39.95
Dutch artist Babs Haenen creates expressive and impressionistic ceramics that balance colour, line, and form. Her works are embellished in a painterly manner, highlighting the influence of abstract painting and landscape motifs on her practice. Since receiving the INAX Design Prize in 1991, an expanding oeuvre of colourful and spectacular porcelain vases, sometimes called vessels or pots, has established her reputation as an innovative artist with an unmistakable style and technique. Characteristic of Haenen’s ceramics is a certain “turbulence” in her treatment of the porcelain clay, where she uses a multiple firing and glazing technique that elicits rich and subtle colour effects.
96 p, ills colour, 22 x 30 cm, pb, English
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