Viviane Sassen – FOLIO
Isbn 9782493467065 Publisher Note Note Éditions Idea code 24383 € 50.00
‘Folio’ is a collection of photographs illustrating the origins of Viviane Sassen’s visual language. All of the images presented in this book were taken in the mid-1990s, at the outset of her career as a photographer. With a spontaneous and personal approach, Sassen takes her immediate surroundings and environment as her preferred subjects. These images reflect a taste for staging, framing, and perspective that she developed early on. Such stylistic tools continue to allow her to incarnate the strange and even disturbing aspects at the heart of everything we deem familiar. In her texts, she reveals herself just as she does in her photographs, by weaving dreams with reality.
80 p, ills colour, 21 x 27 cm, hb, English
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Bertien van Manen – I am the only woman there
Isbn 9789083451008 Publisher Fw: Books Idea code 24533 € 34.00
Bertien van Manen (1935–2024) photographed in the 1970’s female labour migrants, and the wives of labour migrants, who came to the Netherlands in the context of family reunification. She portrayed Turkish, Moroccan, Tunisian, Spanish, Yugoslavian and Italian women, at home, work, parties, and leisure activities, often struggling to survive in a foreign culture. This resulted in her first book ‘Vrouwen te Gast’, published in 1979. In 2024 Bertien revisited her own photographs and texts to make a new, more contemporary, edit of her first work. For ‘I am the only woman there’ she updated the book with new discovered photographs from her archive and new texts, by herself and Kim Knoppers.
160 p, ills colour & bw, 17 x 24 cm, hb, English
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SAGA – A Photographic Journey from Eugène Atget to Tarrah Krajnak
Isbn 9789464781038 Publisher Ludion Idea code 24410 € 75.00
Astrid Ullens kocht twintig jaar geleden, bijna per toeval, een foto van Brancusi op de kunstbeurs van Bazel. Dit was het startschot van een indrukwekkende collectie die vandaag meer dan 5000 foto’s telt, van grote namen als Lewis Baltz, Lee Friedlander, Helen Levitt en Walker Evans, maar ook van jonge fotografen zoals Francesco Neri, Georges Senga, Massao Mascaro en Tarrah Krajnak. Ullens, die haar collectie onderbracht in de Fondation A Stichting in Brussel, is niet geïnteresseerd in pronkstukken. Het zijn de verschillende visies en attitudes van de fotografen die van belang zijn. Het verzamelen van kunst is voor haar een breder cultureel project dat fotografie promoot als een manier om de wereld te bekijken en beter te begrijpen. En dat uiteraard dient om de makers, de kunstenaars, te ondersteunen.
576 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 30 cm, hb, English
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In Almost Every Picture 19: Mina
Isbn 9789070478582 Publisher Kesselskramer Idea code 24527 € 25.00
In Italy, between 1945 and 1976, more than 12,000 women were married by proxy to partners who were unable to attend for reasons such as military service, imprisonment, or travel restrictions. Mina from Bologna was one of them. In 1961, twenty-six-year-old Mina set out to marry Dario who had moved to Eritrea to work as a veterinarian. Stubborn Mina decided that by the time she boarded a flight to Africa to join Dario she would already be called a wife, at least before the law. So, she staged her wedding and Dario’s best friend, Franco, to play the part of the groom. A few days after her proxy wedding, Mina flew to Eritrea with her pompous, lacy white dress wrapped in a big plastic bag under her arm. She reunited with real husband Dario and captured the awaited moment on colour film.
112 p, ills colour, 16 x 20 cm, pb, English
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Bill 5
Isbn 9789464988680 Publisher BILL Idea code 24508 € 40.00
‘Bill’ is annual magazine that prioritises visual reading of its photographic stories without the distraction of text. This issue contains 192 offset pages printed in CMYK, silver, and black and white on a dozen different paper stocks, along with some Japanese bound signatures. Designed, edited, and produced by Julie Peeters and associate editor Elena Narbutaite, it includes contributions by Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, filmmaker Gillian Garcia, Swiss visual artist Beat Streuli, Takashi Homma, Adrianna Glaviano, French visual artist Mimosa Echard, British-Palestinian artist Rosalind Nashashibi, Martiniano shoes, and Amsterdam photography studio Blommers/Schumm.
192 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 31 cm, pb, English
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Paolo Covino – Altari
Isbn 9781908889997 Publisher The Velvet Cell Idea code 24530 € 35.00
‘Altari’ is a photographic topology of bedrooms in the rural Campania region of Italy, which has seen significant depopulation in its villages. The elderly, still residing in their homes, uphold customs and traditions that may soon be subject to transformation or even disappearance. Related to this, both religion and superstition form an essential aspect of their daily lives. The photographic documentation of these bedrooms, intended as places of worship for a past in decay, develops from this social, cultural, and historical haemorrhage. Once the weighted value that previous generations assigned to the bedroom is discarded, the cycle is broken, history is lost, and memory evaporates.
112 p, ills colour, 17 x 23 cm, hb, Italian/English
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Pop Trading Company 2013 – 2023 Book
Isbn 8720262035870 Publisher Pop Trading Company Idea code 24477 € 85.10
Amsterdam-based Pop Trading Company celebrates ten years with this commemorative volume of skate photography. Through pictures captured over the past decade, the book traces the brand’s journey from the local skateboarding community to becoming a driving force in the global scene. While paying homage to the individuals who have collectively shaped Pop’s identity, it offers a nostalgic portrait of homegrown talent and camaraderie. Pop is deeply rooted in skateboarding culture. Since creating its own line in 2015, this legacy is fused with contemporary menswear. With contributions by Ari Marcopoulos, Marcel Veldman, Eva Roefs, Joost Swarte, and others.
336 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 28 cm, hb, English
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A Tiny Visual History of the Moustache
Isbn 9783950506457 Publisher Fraglich Publishing Idea code 24419 € 39.50
The moustache, a facial hair feature that has adorned the faces of men (and some women) throughout history, is more than just a style choice. For men, it is a symbol of masculinity, cultural identity, and social solidarity. Lukas Birk has compiled a veritable anthology of images tracing the moustache through its many evolutions, from ancient civilisations to modern times, revealing the world’s cultural, fashion, and societal trends. From paintings and photographs to sketches and stone carvings, all sorts of famous and lesser-known moustaches are documented. As trends continue to shift, one thing remains certain: the moustache will always be much more than just a patch of hair.
144 p, ills colour & bw, 15 x 20 cm, hb, English
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Useful Photography #017
Isbn 9789070478599 Publisher Kesselskramer Idea code 24465 € 25.00
Most people who survive a dramatic ordeal, narrowly avoiding death, are familiar with the urge to thank someone. 'Useful Photography #017 is dedicated to such expressions of gratitude via the form of ex-votos. Frank Kouws discovered a santuary in Italy where the walls are covered in ex-votos, small framed collages, each featuring snapshots of wrecked vehicles and the survivors alongside their handwritten declarations of devotion and thanks.
148 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 30 cm, pb, English
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Valerie Phillips - Little Baby Nothings - Manic Street Preachers
Isbn 9780954340391 Publisher Longer Moon Farther Idea code 24498 € 43.85
Between 1991 and 1992, Valerie Phillips followed the Welsh rock band Manic Street Preachers, taking pictures. She was just starting out as a photographer and the band was still in its younger years, which gave her the perfect opportunity to figure out how to take the kind of pictures she wanted to take. Phillips photographed them at their homes, on tours, at recording sessions, video shoots, and in the weird, boring, fascinating random places along the way. According to Phillips, “These pictures were made in a daze of wide-eyed enthusiasm, wonder, magic, and mayhem. They are the beginning of our stories.” The rare photos are collected here for the first time in their entirety.
220 p, ills bw, 20 x 25 cm, pb, English
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Maxime Riché - Paradise
Isbn 9782492696176 Publisher Andre Frere Editions Idea code 24529 € 52.70
Megafires spurred by climate change no longer spare any region of the globe. On November 8, 2018, the megafire Camp Fire ravaged Paradise, California, killing 86 people in 4 hours. In 2021, the Dixie Fire started under the same power lines that crisscross the hills around Paradise. The author met those who decided to rebuild their 'paradise' in a place that now seems brutally inhospitable. To account for the intensity of emotion heard in conversations with survivors, the author used infrared slide film, whose blazing colors break into the tenuous normality of their new life, flashbacks of the flames seared on their retinae as they rebuild in the shadow of the next disaster. The tale of Paradise offers a glimpse at the next place that will have to go through healing after a disaster whose causes are, increasingly, human.
128 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 30 cm, hb, French/English
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Marco Zorzanello - Tourism in the Climate Change Era
Isbn 9782492696145 Publisher Andre Frere Editions Idea code 24528 € 59.15
The recent years have been the hottest ever recorded, and increasingly frequent meteorological cataclysms demonstrate that climate change is no longer a future hypothesis, but a present reality. The transition from one habitat to another is forcing society to adapt, migrate, or resist, causing artificial mutations in the environment. This project aims to explore how the tourism industry is reacting to the effects of global warming, such as the decline of snowfall, desertification, polar ice melt, and rising sea levels. Between 2015 and 2021, this concept gave rise to four separate projects around the world, which are collected in the following books: Snow Land – situated in the Italian Dolomite Alps; Water Tour – a research conducted in Palestine and Israel; Iceberg Souvenir – spanning Canada, Greenland, and Iceland; and finally, Lost Paradise, set in the Republic of Maldives.
184 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 32 cm, hb, French/English
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Irene - A Burmese Icon
Isbn Publisher Fraglich Publishing Idea code 24466 € 36.50
This book appears courtesy of the Myanmar Photo Archive and offers a glimpse into the life of an upper-middle-class woman during the period of Myanmar’s military regime. Irene loved being photographed, and was far from camera shy. To have a camera and to use it so freely was uncommon in the country in those days. Irene lived in Mandalay in the 1960s and ’70s, and was an incredibly stylish woman, embodying the fashion and zeitgeist of the time. Lukas Birk discovered images of her in boxes stored by antique dealers in Yangon and immediately thought she should be revived as a social media persona. He created an Instagram account for Irene and the rest is history.
96 p, ills colour & bw, 15 x 21 cm, pb, English/Burmese
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U Than Maung – The No 1 Amateur Photographer
Isbn Publisher Fraglich Publishing Idea code 24467 € 38.80
The images left behind by amateur Burmese photographer U Than Maung convey his incredible sensitivity for his surroundings. He understood that the events of his lifetime had to be documented for future generations. Sadly, most of the materials he produced prior to the country’s independence have been lost or ended up in obscurity. Thanks to safekeeping by his daughter, however, a sizable number of images are still available today. The photos printed in this book reflect a devastating and yet hopeful period in Myanmar’s history. The anthology was compiled by Lukas Birk, founder of the Myanmar Photo Archive, and includes an introduction by author and poet San Lin Tun.
64 p, ills colour & bw, 15 x 21 cm, pb, English
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Giovanna Silva, Emilia Giorgi - Saudiscapes
Isbn 9788880562177 Publisher Nero Idea code 24483 € 30.10
Saudi Arabia had been inaccessible to ordinary visitors for about ten years, until fall 2019, thereinafter it has been possible to enter the country with an electronic tourist visa. In the suspended time that preceded this event, the architecture firm Schiattarella Associati invited photographer Giovanna Silva and curator Emilia Giorgi to set off on a journey—both physical and mental—in the country, trying to unearth the often minute and hidden traces of past buildings and historical tradition in the cities of Riyadh and Jeddah, now at the center of vast operations of redefinition, from an architectural, urban and social point of view.Saudiscapes is a project initiated by Schiattarella Associati, curated by Emilia Giorgi, and with the photographic contribution by Giovanna Silva.
184 p, ills colour & bw, 21 x 30 cm, hb, Italian/English
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DAIDO BRO – My name is My name is...
Isbn 9784865411805 Publisher Akaaka Idea code 24493 € 34.40
This photobook is the result of a collaboration between Yuki and Koki Daido, twin brothers from Osaka. By freely mixing their photographs without explicit attribution, the their experiences and artworks form a unique, cohesive series. Throughout the book, they rely on a DIY ethos combined with the authenticity and immediacy of snapshot photography. Disarming and unpretentious, the brothers’ portraits of people (friends, family, and complete strangers) and innocuous glimpses or scenes seem like raw encapsulations of moments in their lives. From the book’s afterword: “What may be an eyesore to most, may well be a source of immense inspiration to others.”
64 p, ills colour & bw, 23 x 25 cm, hb, Japanese/English
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Lucas Olivet - Medicine Tree
Isbn 9788894895704 Publisher Skinnerboox Idea code 24520 € 38.80
“I’ve never seen a tree make so much medicine. Maybe it weeps so much for all the poison here.” The above quote, relayed to Lucas Olivet by Prince George resident Randy Dakota, was the inspiration for the title of this book which is centered around the capital of northern BC: the title a testimony, a tribute, a prayer. Featuring an essay by Lauren Haddad, ‘Medicine Tree’ offers a lyrical and tense reflection on a region at once wild and poisoned by industry, unknown to the majority of Vancouverites, by passed by tourists, silently servicing the country’s (Canada, the US, China, pick one) pulp and paper needs. Dakota, standing in the gravel next to his trailer, was referring to a black spruce sticky with resin.
112 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 29 cm, hb, English
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Benedetta Casagrande - All Things Laid Dormant
Isbn 9788894895735 Publisher Skinnerboox Idea code 24522 € 30.65
All Things Laid Dormant questions the ways in which we relate to other animals, the space they occupy in our personal and collective imagination, intraspecific coexistence, and the possibility of constructing new forms of kinship and intimacy in a context of mass extinction. Articulated through a series of encounters with the non-human world mediated by the implicit ambiguity of photography, that simultaneously facilitates and hinders contact, All Things Laid Dormant is both an ode and a lament, an act of love and an expression of mourning that embodies the suffering of loss and the desire to find a place and a sense of belonging within the fragile context of our time.
80 p, ills colour & bw, 24 x 32 cm, pb, English
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Song He and Nico Krebs - The Anemone, the Clownfish and Dr. Song
Isbn 9788894895728 Publisher Skinnerboox Idea code 24521 € 35.75
"The Anemone, the Clownfish and Dr. Song“ is a dive down into the magical world of acrobatic fish, living hairdos and fathers that turn into mothers. A beautiful story told by marine biologist and fish specialist Dr. Song. This book is collaboration of Chinese marine biologist Song He and Swiss artist Nico Krebs, who became friends during an artist residency at Kaust University by the Red Sea. Together with Graphic Designer Sarah Infanger and Illustrators Lina Müller and Luca Schenardi, they created this book for everyone, small and tall, who’s curious about life below the waterline.
84 p, ills colour & bw, 20 x 30 cm, hb, English
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Mario Giacomelli - Questo ricordo lo vorrei raccontare
Isbn 9788894895780 Publisher Skinnerboox Idea code 24523 € 35.75
‘Questo ricordo lo vorrei raccontare’ (I would like to tell you about this memory) is the last series by Mario Giacomelli (1925–2000). Produced between 1997 and 2000, it contains underlying spiritual elements with an autobiographical background, captured in pictures where everything is given as an essence, a mental smell, a symbol, or a thought projection. The images are true to the distinctive technique and style Giacomelli developed early on in his career, marked by radical compositions, bold cropping, and stark contrasts. In his own words, it is “a flow of images between me and the world… to concoct a story also as a future intuition in the silent river of time.”
108 p, ills bw, 24 x 28 cm, pb, Italian/English
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Odette England - Woman Wearing Ring Shields Face from Flash
Isbn 9788894895698 Publisher Skinnerboox Idea code 24524 € 35.75
Odette England collects found photographs showing men taking pictures of women without permission, women rejecting the camera by placing their hands over their faces, men posing with guns, and hands. For England, these images suggest a complex relationship between guns, cameras, and violence against women. There is a shared vocabulary between guns and cameras that load, aim, and shoot. In making these connections, England hopes to surface the problematic visual habits embedded in our culture and to work towards an alternative way of using the camera to share our voices rather than normalize violence. Shortlisted for the 2023 Images Vevey Photobook Award and awarded a grant from The Puffin Foundation.
96 p, ills colour & bw, 16 x 21 cm, hb, English
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John Divola - Scapes
Isbn 9788894895575 Publisher Skinnerboox Idea code 24525 € 38.80
‘Scapes’ compiles some of John Divola’s most memorable photographic series in black and white, including “Four Landscapes", “As Far as I Could Get”, and “Dogs Chasing My Car in the Desert”. Based in Southern California, Divola is a post-conceptual visual artist whose photographic endeavours impart a sense of being existentially universal. As curator David Campany describes in the text he contributes to the book, the images invoke “the lone observer moving through the world and reflecting upon it through various camera possibilities.” Divola’s camera captures everyday reality and forlorn natural and urban landscapes in a raw, unfiltered manner.
96 p, ills bw, 20 x 24 cm, hb, English
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